Considerations For Choosing A Divorce Attorney: Co-Parenting Agreements

When couples decide to get a divorce, one of the first considerations they must make is whether or not to co-parent their children after the divorce. Many people, in fact, have a strong opinion on this issue; some people are very opposed to co-parenting and believe that it destroys the special bond between a mother and a father. Other people feel exactly the opposite way, arguing that it's a great opportunity for dads to reconnect with their children. This article will explore the basic arguments for and against co-parenting. Hopefully, after reading this brief article, you will be better informed about this important parenting option. First of all, co-parenting doesn't necessarily mean equal parenting time. There are many different custody orders and each one applies to a specific child. For instance, in a joint custody case, both parents participate in the decision making regarding their children. However, if the parents are not able to agree, a judge will make the decisi...